%0 Dataset %T Groundwater level monitoring data of the Yellow River Basin in recent five years from 2010 to 2019 %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/2dfb1156-5d4c-4d68-b8d9-ba8036766293 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.YRiver.db0042.2021 %A Zhang yaonan %A Kang jianfang %A Liu chun %K Annual groundwater level monitoring;funnel name;funnel position %X 1. This data set mainly collects the groundwater level monitoring data of various regions of the Yellow River Basin (103 units at county and district level) in recent 10 years, mainly the buried depth data of funnel center in relevant regions of the basin.2. Data set naming: basin water resources status data.xlsx, attribute information: it is mainly divided into three attributes: funnel name, location, annual groundwater level monitoring (central buried depth), funnel Name: funnel name, location: funnel longitude and latitude information, annual groundwater level monitoring (central buried depth): data of central buried depth of groundwater level monitoring funnel in recent 10 years, Unit: meter attribute information: it is mainly divided into three attributes: funnel name, location, annual groundwater level monitoring (central buried depth), funnel Name: funnel name, location: funnel longitude and latitude information, annual groundwater level monitoring (central buried depth): data of central buried depth of underground water level monitoring bucket in recent 10 years, unit: meter.3. Main monitoring indicators: funnel name, coordinate point / longitude and coordinate point / latitude, annual groundwater level monitoring (central buried depth)/m